What Is the Difference Between a Headache and a Migraine?
We’ve all been in this situation before. A part of your head has been pounding with blinding pain, rendering you completely without energy or the will to open your eyes. Is that a migraine or just a garden variety headache?
For most people, it’s difficult to differentiate between a headache or a migraine. But learning to correctly identify these two is the best way to access the right medication for quick relief. Also, this can help prevent future occurrences.
So how can you differentiate the typical headache from a migraine? Read on for some expert tips.
What is a Migraine?
A migraine causes severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, most often on one side of the head. In some cases, it is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, smell, and sound.
Migraines occur when a series of intense neurochemical triggers causes electrical depolarization waves at the cells’ surfaces, which then spread all over the brain. The severity of the migraine attacks depends on the effects of these electrical waves, causing headaches among other symptoms. Simply put, a migraine is much more than a headache and is a neurological condition.
Some of the symptoms associated with migraines include:
Muscle ache
Ache in the shoulders and neck
Sensitivity to sound and/or even light
Nausea and vomiting
Experiencing pain behind one of your ears or eyes, and in the temples
Seeing flashes or spotlights
Migraines are more severe compared to typical headaches. While most migraines affect only one side of the head, in some cases it can affect both sides. The pain is often so exhausting, it can impair your daily functions.
Types of Migraines
There are two types of migraine episodes:
Migraine with Aura
This is a type of migraine where you experience several sensations before you start experiencing a migraine headache. You might start experiencing some of these sensations from around 10-30 minutes before the attack. Some common sensations include:
Not thinking straight or struggling to be mentally alert
A tingling or numbing feeling on your face or hands
Experiencing an unusual sense of smell and/or taste
Beginning to see unusual lines or flashlights
Migraine without Aura
This type of migraine does not come with any warning sensations before an attack.
What Triggers Migraines?
Some of the common factors associated with migraines include:
Excessive consumption of alcohol
Some types of foods
Extreme physical exertion
Some medications
Lack of adequate sleep
Age and gender
Experiencing emotional anxiety
Prolonged fasting
Hormonal changes due to various factors, including contraceptives, and so much more
Migraines can last for many hours or even a few days.
What is a Headache?
And then there are headaches, the most common type of head pain. They normally cause pressure on your head and lead to an ache. A typical headache will hurt on both sides of the head, and can range from mild to extreme. You might experience pain around your forehead, the back of your neck, or your temples.
Types of Headaches
There are three types of headaches.
Tension headaches
These are the most common, and are chronic. Tension headaches tend to begin at the back of your head and move forward, affecting your entire head as they progress. The causes include prolonged hunger, experiencing eye strain, or feeling stressed.
Sinus headaches
Mainly a result of nasal passage blockages, sinus headaches are more severe in the morning compared to other times of the day. These headaches also cause pain in your cheeks, eyes, and nose.
Cluster headaches
Although cluster headaches are the least common, they’re also the most severe when they occur. You can feel them a few times throughout the day or month, and the main triggers are extreme brightness, heights, or exertion.
Most headaches last for around 30 minutes to a few hours.
How to Treat a Headache or Migraine?
We are all familiar with home remedies. But it is important to always seek medical help when experiencing extreme and/or recurring migraines and headaches. Other than that, you can use some common doctor-recommended medications and remedies to relieve the pain. They include:
Prescription medications
Once you visit your doctor, you will receive a proper diagnosis and a medication prescription will usually follow right after.
Drug-free pain relief
If at home or in the office, you can try using cold and heating packs for immediate relief. This is also the best way to counter triggers, as you listen to your body and consider if you need to see a doctor.
Over-the-counter medications
Your local pharmacy is the best place to buy over-the-counter medicines for your migraine/headache pain. Some popular medications include aspirin and ibuprofen, though you shouldn’t take them too often.
Apart from the above methods, lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, adequate sleep and rest, meditation, and regular exercises can help you curb those regular headaches and migraines.
Do you suffer from regular migraines? If you would like to participate in a clinical trial, sign up here.