What Are The Causes Of Type 2 Diabetes?

Have you started to hear the words “diabetes” and “lifestyle diseases” a lot more in recent years? You’re not alone. Just like obesity and cardiac disease, there has been a tremendous uptick in diabetes cases around the world. 

Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition caused by the build-up of glucose and sugar levels in the patient’s bloodstream. And just like other lifestyle diseases, there are numerous causes and aggravators of Type 2 diabetes, ranging from genetics to lifestyle patterns. Read on for more.

What Role Do Lifestyle Choices Play in Type 2 Diabetes?

Several factors are at play in Type 2 diabetes, some of which can be modified, and some that can’t. Lifestyle choices fall in the former category. Most people can mitigate the risk of getting Type 2 diabetes by eliminating unhealthy eating habits, and maintaining a diet rich in fiber, good fats, and fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, giving up smoking and excessive alcohol, while getting sufficient sleep and keeping an eye on their cholesterol levels, goes a long way. However, the most important advice that pre-diabetic and diabetic people can adhere to, is regular exercise to stay physically fit. An inactive lifestyle combined with being overweight influences how your body utilizes insulin. 

The Part Played by Genetics

A non-modifiable factor of Type 2 diabetes is the role played by genetics. Several studies have shown that Type 2 diabetes is often the result of interaction between environmental factors and a hereditary component. But it might not be as simplistic as assuming that if your parents had Type 2 diabetes or other related medical conditions, you will necessarily inherit those. What it does mean though, is that your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes are much higher. 

However, we don’t yet have widespread confirmation of high-risk genes. The best course of action, if your family has a history of Type 2 diabetes, is to talk to your physician about how to prevent it from happening to you. 

What is Insulin Resistance?

Lifestyle choices and genetics, along with other factors, can cause your body to resist insulin. That means the insulin within your body is not being used properly. According to the National Institutes of Health, insulin resistance occurs when the cells in the muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t easily take up glucose from blood. Which effectively means that the pancreas has to make more insulin to help glucose enter the cells.  

The result? Glucose ends up building in your blood system leading to Type 2 diabetes-related symptoms. 

But Insulin Resistance Isn’t Always the Cause of Type 2 Diabetes

While the main cause of Type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance, aggravated by poor lifestyle choices and genetics, it isn’t the only cause. In some cases, the patient’s body simply fails to produce enough insulin. And although the reasons behind this aren’t known yet, this uncommon cause of Type 2 diabetes does exist. 


Type 2 diabetes is primarily caused by elevated glucose levels in the bloodstream. It’s a common medical condition worsened by poor lifestyle choices and genes. The good news is that Type 2 diabetes can be prevented, treated, or even reversed with proper lifestyle changes and guidance from your doctor!


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