So You’ve Just Been Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes. What’s Next?
Have you just been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes? Take a moment. You’re likely feeling a range of emotions. It is completely natural to feel overwhelmed, confused, and even downright scared. What you don’t need to feel is helpless, because aid is at hand.
It can be very hard to realise that you have a condition that might require significant lifestyle changes. But the good news is that with the right knowledge, support, and tools, Type 2 diabetes can be managed and controlled. Let’s dive into how you can prepare for, and live a long and healthy life with Type 2 diabetes.
Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
Before we understand Type 2 diabetes, it is important to understand how your body uses glucose (sugar) for energy. Sugar is transported to your cells via the hormone insulin. With Type 2 diabetes, your body either does not produce enough insulin, or is unable to use the hormone effectively due to insulin resistance. This leads to elevated blood sugar levels in your body, which can cause serious health complications.
Health Complications That Result From Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes impacts every major organ in your body, including your nerves, eyes, kidney, heart, and blood vessels. When Type 2 diabetes is not controlled, it can lead to complications like:
Heart and blood vessel disease
Nerve damage in the limbs, heart, and digestive system
Kidney disease
Eye diseases like glaucoma or cataract
Skin conditions
Slow healing, which can lead to serious infections
Hearing impairment
Sleep apnea
Once again, thanks to modern medical breakthroughs, help is available. While these chronic conditions and complications sound terrifying, you can lower your risk for developing them by simply managing your Type 2 diabetes.
So where do we go from here? Educating yourself about your condition, medication, and lifestyle changes around nutrition and physical exertion, can go a long, long way in managing Type 2 diabetes.
Knowing Type 2 Diabetes & Understanding Your Medication
The first step in managing any chronic condition is to arm yourself with knowledge and learn everything you can about it. Read as many trusted books and peer-reviewed medical studies you can get your hands on. Don’t rely on Instagram or YouTube specialists who offer “herbal” or “natural” methods. Instead, trust your doctor and dietitian who specialize in Type 2 diabetes management. Meet them regularly and get their help in setting up an individualized medication and nutrition plan. Get their advice on a combination of diet and exercise modifications, as well as medications to help manage your blood sugar levels.
How to Manage Your Blood Glucose
The biggest concern that most Type 2 diabetes patients have is learning how to monitor and manage their blood glucose levels, so that they remain in a healthy range. The first step is learning how to use a blood glucose monitor, a lancing device (to prick your finger), and blood glucose strips. These items will allow you to accurately measure your levels, and give you a number to record. They also allow you to be self reliant, without having to depend on a visit to your local clinic every time you need to read your blood glucose levels.
Once you have your blood sugar levels, you can make adjustments to your diet and activity. Type 2 diabetes is largely impacted by diet and lifestyle, so making changes in these areas can have a big impact on your health. Before we get to managing your nutrition and exercise, the next step is understanding your medication.
Medication For Type 2 Diabetes
To help keep your blood sugar levels in the desired range, you may be prescribed oral pills and insulin, or just insulin. Be sure to ask your doctor as many questions as you can think of when first getting your medication, so that you know (a) How it works, and (b) What to expect. Here is a small list to get you started:
How many pills do I need to take daily?
What time bands of the day should I consume the pills?
Can I take my meds with food or on an empty stomach?
What should I do if I forget to take my medication but remember later on in the day? Do I still take it when I remember?
If I am taking oral pills and insulin, how do these work with one another, and what do I need to know about using both together?
Will I have side effects, and if I do, what should I do?
I am taking the following medications [list them out], will my diabetes medication interact with these and if yes, what do I need to know about the interactions?
And finally, is there anything else I need to know about my Type 2 diabetes medication?
The Role Of Diet & Staying Physically Active
Nutrition and exercise are two of the most powerful tools you have for managing Type 2 diabetes. The first step you want to take with nutrition is making sure that you’re consuming foods from an ADA-approved cookbook or list of foods that are diabetic-friendly. You’ll want to:
Focus on eating foods that are lower in fat and calories, and higher in fiber. This includes eating fresh fruits and vegetables, non-dairy based foods, lean meats or meat substitutes, and whole grains.
Space your food out throughout the day. Don’t eat it all in one go, and watch your portions. You’ll want to make sure you’re eating appropriate proportions for your age and weight. Avoid skipping meals.
Say no to sugar-based beverages. Choose unsweetened tea, water with a lime or lemon, and avoid drinks like soda, energy drinks, or juices. Your dietitian can shed some light on when you should be consuming sugar and when you shouldn’t be.
The second step is making sure you stay physically active. By moving your body, you lower your blood sugar levels as the movement helps get the sugar out of your blood and into your cells.
For those with Type 2 diabetes, the best kinds of physical exertion are usually vigorous aerobic-style activities like biking, running, swimming, or brisk walks. Consider also doing strength training (lifting weights/resistance bands), flexibility exercises (yoga/stretching), and incorporating more exercise into your daily routine like choosing to take the stairs or parking further away. The aim is to build up to completing 150 minutes a week.
Struggling With Your New Diagnosis? Surround Yourself With Support
If you find yourself struggling with your Type 2 diabetes diagnosis, it’s important to try to remember that you don’t have to go through this alone. There are many resources available that can help you understand the condition, and how it may impact your daily life.
It is important to gather support from your family and friends, your doctor or dietitian, and consider finding exercise buddies or online resources such as Type 2 diabetes communities, so that when it becomes tough, you have people to lean on. Remember that Type 2 diabetes is manageable, and with the right tools and support systems in place, you can lead a long, fulfilling, and happy life.
If you’d like to learn about a Type 2 Diabetes research study that you may qualify for, please apply here.